Version MisMatch Error on E9

Did you run auto update file in the client folder

We are trying to setup our enterprise search and have run into an issue when creating our search index. After entering the App Server Info and Login Info, I click on 'Test Connection' and I get the following error:

"Version mismatch between client(9.05.700A) and server (9.05.700B)

Now when I open Epicor up on one of our client machines, it shows the version as .700B ?  So i'm not sure why it's stating there's a mismatch.

Any Ideas on how to resolve this?

Thank you,


I’m guessing you are talking about the admin console throwing that error? Uninstall then reinstall it if so


Joshua Giese



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Wisconsin Converting, Inc.


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:09 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Version MisMatch Error on E9



We are trying to setup our enterprise search and have run into an issue when creating our search index. After entering the App Server Info and Login Info, I click on 'Test Connection' and I get the following error:


"Version mismatch between client(9.05.700A) and server (9.05.700B)


Now when I open Epicor up on one of our client machines, it shows the version as .700B ?  So i'm not sure why it's stating there's a mismatch.



Any Ideas on how to resolve this?



Thank you,



Yes in the admin Console I am getting this error, we are trying to setup/install Enterprise Search. 

Uninstall and Reinstall the Admin Console?

Uninstalling and Reinstalling the Admin Console did Not fix the issue.

Do you have to correct version of enterprise search?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:22 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Version MisMatch Error on E9



Uninstalling and Reinstalling the Admin Console did Not fix the issue.

Bill Turgeon
Director, Information Technology
Coto Technology, Inc.
66 Whitecap Drive
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Phone: (401) 583-7223
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Correct version of Enterprise Search??   I don't get the ability to select a version of ES. It is installed from the Epicor Utilites Program.
Any one have any input?
I have tried copying the 'client' folders contents from the AppServer to the clients 'client' folder with no luck. I have also examined the mfgsys file to make sure the added code is at the bottom. I can open Epicor up on the server/client  that I am trying to install ES on, and it does not give any errors and it shows the version as  being .700b ? So I'm not sure why it's giving me the error. 
I am getting the version Conflict error in the Epicor admin console program on the server/client I am trying to install ES on.  Now the Server that I am installing ES on also has a client version of Epicor on it that I can launch with no issues and like I said it shows .700b as the version?

Any inputs would be greatly appreciated. 
