Just wondering if any one else out there is have problems with the latest Pilot database upgrade that happened last night. We cannot verify any of our customizations or personalizations. We get the error of “Specified cast is not valid” with this detail: Application Error
Exception caught in: Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib
Error Detail
##!Message:##! Specified cast is not valid.
##!Program:##! Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll
##!Method:##! EpiForm_Load
##!Line Number:##! 1760
##!Column Number:##! 29
Client Stack Trace
at Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiBaseForm.EpiForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:_projects\E10Dev\ICE\Releases\4.2.400\Current\Source\Client\Lib\EpiClientLib\Framework\EpiBaseForm.cs:line 1760
We have submitted a ticket to EpicCare but wondered what others are experiencing. Please let me know.
Please let Epicor tech support know. I believe we need them to really take a look at the upgrade this weekend and maybe postpone it. I don’t think it is ready. The more people that tell them about this error the better.
I tested the current Baseline Kinetic 2023.2.5 software system, and recreated the reported Software Problem. Since this is no longer a Support Issue, but now a Development Software Problem, I created a New, Development Problem Case.
The Problem Case Number is PRB0273965, and has the following Description:
Problem Description: After Kinetic 2023.2.5 is installed, and when Customization Maintenance is used to Verify any Classic Customization/Personalization, the following error is received:
Specified cast is not valid.
Expected Behavior: No Error should be received
I will keep this Support Case in my queue until Development finishes reviewing the Software Problem I submitted to them.
Please note the next time I will update this Support Case will be when Development does provide me with their Feedback.