Variable ship Qty

Customer allows us to ship +/-10% qty of an order. We want to purchase material and create jobs for 110% and ship as many parts that pass QA (should easily hit 90%, probably close to 110%). Could I get some suggestions for approaching this?

Does scrap factors not cover the requirements? The job can complete and close with more or less shipped or stocked.

Sorry for dead air. Created this topic before vacation and things have been a bit hectic since getting back.

When we put scrap factor on material, we don’t get material demand in discrete quantities. We end up with a fraction of a part. Also, the job doesn’t call for more parts to be made.

When we put scrap on the operation, we get demand for more parts but not PO suggestions for the added material it would require.

As I type this, I realize perhaps it begs the question: Can you just do both?
But should that be necessary?