Just to reply/edit my own message, we are not running a SQL DB, it is progress only.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "roadhazard6803" <roadhazard6803@...> wrote:
> We are running Vantage 8.03.408b on a Epicor built/recommend IBM server, OS server 2003 with 8 gb ram and raid setup. Clients are on XP Pro and Windows 7.
> Every so often, the page file usage will go from the norm of say 3-4gb to 9 or 10 gb, then our users get the no server available and those that can login experience a massive slow down of the system. It will run that way for a few minutes, up to 10 maybe and then drop back to normal.
> We have a batch of new hires, and this has started shortly after they went live, so we are looking at possibly a bad report, or BAQ, or something that and end user would kick off, that would drive up the page file usage.
> Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?
> We have a support call to Epicor, but it's very hard to troubleshoot an issue, when you can't predict when it happens.
> Thanks