Vantage Page file usage going off the chart

Just to reply/edit my own message, we are not running a SQL DB, it is progress only.

--- In, "roadhazard6803" <roadhazard6803@...> wrote:
> We are running Vantage 8.03.408b on a Epicor built/recommend IBM server, OS server 2003 with 8 gb ram and raid setup. Clients are on XP Pro and Windows 7.
> Every so often, the page file usage will go from the norm of say 3-4gb to 9 or 10 gb, then our users get the no server available and those that can login experience a massive slow down of the system. It will run that way for a few minutes, up to 10 maybe and then drop back to normal.
> We have a batch of new hires, and this has started shortly after they went live, so we are looking at possibly a bad report, or BAQ, or something that and end user would kick off, that would drive up the page file usage.
> Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?
> We have a support call to Epicor, but it's very hard to troubleshoot an issue, when you can't predict when it happens.
> Thanks
We are running Vantage 8.03.408b on a Epicor built/recommend IBM server, OS server 2003 with 8 gb ram and raid setup. Clients are on XP Pro and Windows 7.

Every so often, the page file usage will go from the norm of say 3-4gb to 9 or 10 gb, then our users get the no server available and those that can login experience a massive slow down of the system. It will run that way for a few minutes, up to 10 maybe and then drop back to normal.

We have a batch of new hires, and this has started shortly after they went live, so we are looking at possibly a bad report, or BAQ, or something that and end user would kick off, that would drive up the page file usage.

Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?

We have a support call to Epicor, but it's very hard to troubleshoot an issue, when you can't predict when it happens.

First of all, I'd make sure that you're not using the system default
settings for your pagefile.

See this helpful article:

Second, I'd make sure that your MSSQL database server isn't using all
available memory. I'd limit it at something like 50-75% of physical
memory. You can do this from SQL Server Management Studio by
right-clicking on the Server itself and adjusting the memory settings.
Otherwise MSSQL will try and use every bit of your server's memory.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of roadhazard6803
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 9:41 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Page file usage going off the chart

We are running Vantage 8.03.408b on a Epicor built/recommend IBM server,
OS server 2003 with 8 gb ram and raid setup. Clients are on XP Pro and
Windows 7.

Every so often, the page file usage will go from the norm of say 3-4gb
to 9 or 10 gb, then our users get the no server available and those that
can login experience a massive slow down of the system. It will run that
way for a few minutes, up to 10 maybe and then drop back to normal.

We have a batch of new hires, and this has started shortly after they
went live, so we are looking at possibly a bad report, or BAQ, or
something that and end user would kick off, that would drive up the page
file usage.

Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?

We have a support call to Epicor, but it's very hard to troubleshoot an
issue, when you can't predict when it happens.



Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links
I would agree with you that a bad report/baq/etc is a very likely scenario.

Also, do you have any scheduled processes? I've seen bad schedules on the
System Agent produce very similiar situations.

If you're running SQL, you can use the Profiler to see whats going on. Just
let it run (make sure to clear it out every so often) when the server acts
up, stop it and you should be able to see pretty clearly where your
performance is going. Note, that there will be a noticeable performance hit
while you're running the profiler. But it's probably the fastest way to
trouble shoot sql performance if you can get away with using it.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Brian W. Spolarich <
bspolarich@...> wrote:

> First of all, I'd make sure that you're not using the system default
> settings for your pagefile.
> See this helpful article:
> Second, I'd make sure that your MSSQL database server isn't using all
> available memory. I'd limit it at something like 50-75% of physical
> memory. You can do this from SQL Server Management Studio by
> right-clicking on the Server itself and adjusting the memory settings.
> Otherwise MSSQL will try and use every bit of your server's memory.
> -bws
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> [mailto:
> <>] On Behalf
> Of roadhazard6803
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 9:41 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Page file usage going off the chart
> We are running Vantage 8.03.408b on a Epicor built/recommend IBM server,
> OS server 2003 with 8 gb ram and raid setup. Clients are on XP Pro and
> Windows 7.
> Every so often, the page file usage will go from the norm of say 3-4gb
> to 9 or 10 gb, then our users get the no server available and those that
> can login experience a massive slow down of the system. It will run that
> way for a few minutes, up to 10 maybe and then drop back to normal.
> We have a batch of new hires, and this has started shortly after they
> went live, so we are looking at possibly a bad report, or BAQ, or
> something that and end user would kick off, that would drive up the page
> file usage.
> Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this?
> We have a support call to Epicor, but it's very hard to troubleshoot an
> issue, when you can't predict when it happens.
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

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This happened to us as well. Epicor Support was no help at all. It
ended up being a bad BAQ for us. It took forever for us to find it!

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