I feel that there should be sub security, you may be able to edit the detail
but not the time. We have a strict attendance policy and its inappropriate
for those that have access to labor entry to be able to change anything. I
also feel that for QS purposes there should be a log showing the user, date
and time of what changes were made. If you come up with a document # I'll
add my name to it.We are on 4.00 811 and I have looked at the early Cario
access program and nothing has changed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Winter, Patrick [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:27 AM
To: Vantage User Group on onelist (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage Labor Entry
I am working on a suggestion for a security improvement in Labor Entry and
would like the list's help. I realize labor entry is used for labor entry,
correction of labor entered from data collection both if your using payroll
or not.
I feel the next logical progression for security in labor entry would be a
hierarchy like payroll letting supervisors only edit their employees labor,
etc... Controlled by the payroll administrator? Ability to edit your
employee's labor hours but not your own? Ability to give a payroll clerk
edit privileges on start and stop times, production clerk privileges on
labor code editing? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Patrick J. Winter
Information Services Manager
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation
Vantage 3.00.614, Progress 8.3A