To quote microsoft, "for those who do not have CALs for other purposes
[under NT 4], CALs will be a new requirement"
Unlike NT 4.0, every computer connected to the 2000 server to access any
file services on that server will need a CAL (Client Access License). A
connected computer should only need exactly one CAL, whether it is connected
to Vantage or not.
In other words the Vantage Connection takes place within your existing
connection to the server, and should not require any additional licensing on
the operating system end.
There are various options as to the type of CAL's you can get, which are
further explained on Microsoft's website at
Of course, it would be wise to double check the licensing issue with Epicor,
but I strongly believe that if you purchase a CAL for every computer,
Vantage should run just fine.
Any comments from those already running Vantage on 2000 Server would be
greatly appreciated, as our company may be upgrading in the near future.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
jkoppes@... [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 8:35 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage and Windows 2000 Server
Hello All,
I posed this question to Vantage Tech Support and they referred me to
consulting. I would rather not pay the extra cost beyond maintenance for
help with this. So, I am seeking it here.
I am trying to understand what I need for my server upgrade. I have my list
of hardware specs and will be going with Windows 2000 server. My questions
is: How does Vantage handle connections? Does Windows 2000 Server view a
Vantage connection as a usage of a CAL? We have a new separate
file/print/domain controller server with Windows 2000 server with 50 CALs.
Users authenticate through that server and then connect to my current
Windows NT 4.0 server to gain access to Vantage. I have NO CALs on my NT
server running access, but NT was always flaky when it came to the could easily get by that fact. However, I am under the
impression that Windows 2000 is a bit more stringent when it comes to
connections. Has anyone dealt with this?
John Koppes
Systems Coordinator
Address: PO Box 157
Story City, Iowa 50248
Phone: (515) 733-5181 Ext. 256
Fax: (515) 733-4220
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