Vantage 8.03 to Epicor 9.05: Obsolete Fields

I am trying to re-write a BAQ from Vantage 8.03 to Epicor 9.05, which we are currently testing. Our Vantage 8.03 Sales Tracker BAQ has a filter for the InvcDtl.SalesDept, which has been removed from The Epicor 9.05 schema.

I am trying to find a new method to filter the Invoices by the sales department. I know that Epicor 9 now stores the SalesDept data in the TranGLC table, but when I tried to add that table to the query, I got a not responding message and the data never pulled (I waited 30+ minutes, even if I filtered the BAQ to only include 1 day of invoices).

Any ideas?