Vantage 8.03.407a - unable to identify idle PIDs eating up CPU/m

Did Epicor have you search for the PID in the logs? If you can tell when the PID started going amok you should be able to track it back in the logs and at least see what computer launched the process. It takes quite a bit of hunting but it's worth the try if it's happened more than once.

We have used Process Explorer by Sysinternals in the "tree view" to see what sub processes are running under a PID, that may shed some more light as well. We have been able to successfully kill the PID through this tool without crashing the server. We are on 8.03.408A SQL.

Also, if you're worried about a poorly formed BAQ you can look in the mfgwrk803 directory to see if there are dump files showing up. I'm pretty sure the log files would show the specific errors for these.

I'm not sure what the problem with not being able to view all tasks would be either, unless you are missing some security in your user account.

Good luck!

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