Vantage 8.03.407

We found another way around the partial shipment from a job bug. You can enter the job number in the box next to the order number at the top of the line detail tab in customer shipment entry. The order line and release number will disappear when you do this. You will need to re-enter the order line and release number and the job information will appear in the manufacturing box at the bottom. If this isn't the last shipment from this job you will need to uncheck the shipped complete box and save the line. Then you'll be able to change the quantity from the job. This process keeps the quantity shipped and quantity in WIP correct when you look at the job in the job tracker. If you use the Epicor workaround of deleting the link from order to job and adding it back your shipped and WIP quantities won't be right.

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Does anyone have 407 in place and tested the customer shipment issue where
you make a partial shipment and then you can't ship off that job again?


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That problem exists in 405a also. Splitting the job and the order line to have another ref (before the partial shipment) at least enables the shipments to continue.

The more activity that has occured againts the job, the messier it gets - so try to get your people to recognize and notify you of the need to split BEFORE any significant job processing occurs.

Worse case (and when all else fails), break the link to the order line ref (make the job make to stock, uncheck 'make direct' on the order ref line). Receive the job & then ship from stock.

We recently found this cludge process impacts some customization driven processing and leaves us with PackDtl ud field data (pertinent to us) in an unprocessed state. (Fixable though.)

Good luck.


--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@...> wrote:

From: Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 8.03.407
Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 10:02 AM


Does anyone have 407 in place and tested the customer shipment issue where
you make a partial shipment and then you can't ship off that job again?


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