Vantage 4.0 Conversion


Do not load the new database by linking to your existing 3.0 database. Make
a copy of the database first then use that instead.

Eric Tolliver
Continental Industries Inc.
5456 E. Mcdowell Rd.
Mesa, Az 85215

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Schmidt [mailto:kathyschmidt@...]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 7:42 AM
To: Vantage Egroup (E-mail)
Subject: [Vantage] Vantage 4.0 Conversion

We are going to Vantage 4.0 from Vantage 3.0.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom?

Kathy Schmidt
MIS Administrator
The Freeman Company
Ph: 605-665-7456
Fx: 605-665-7882

We no longer allow attachments to files. To access/share Report Files,
please go to the following link:
(Note: If this link does not work for you the first time you try it, go to, login and be sure to save your password, choose My Groups,
choose Vantage, then choose Files. If you save the password, the link above
will work the next time you try it.)
We are going to Vantage 4.0 from Vantage 3.0.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom?

Kathy Schmidt
MIS Administrator
The Freeman Company
Ph: 605-665-7456
Fx: 605-665-7882