V6.1 Non-Conformance / DMR Processing

Has anyone found a costing/quantity problem when generating a DMR from
a non-conformance for a subcontract operation?

The non-conformance removes 0 qty at $0 unit price from the job when
generating the DMR via Non-Conformance. Later if the DMR is accepted
back to the job the full quantity at an unidentified unit price are
charged back to the job. It looks like all job costs accumulated
through the point of the subcontract operation are being added back
into the job when the DMR is accepted. These two problems combined are
creating high subcontract quantities / costs as well as inflated job

Tech support says they have never had a complaint regarding this
problem. Perhaps we are missing a step or making a wrong selection.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Jill Pleau
Mid-State Machine Products