I’m working on a BAQ Report customization/remake for the ‘Resource Group Efficiency Report’. We wanted it to include a group by Product Group since we have machines that run multiple parts from different product groups, and would like to see it broken down a little further.
The following post was extremely helpful, but I’m struggling to figure out what fields actually goes into the Utilize % calculation. Namely how the Capacity is determined.
My starting point for my report was the system BAQ zResourceEfficiency, which is the base of the Stock BAQ Report ‘Resource Group Efficiency’. It has given me numbers that match the standard system report (all except for the Utilize %).
(I can’t actually get this system BAQ report to run in SSRS for some reason, but the BAQ it “uses” has proved useful. The standard system Report Style for ‘Resource Group Efficiency’ has been my SSRS starting template)
For the majority of resource groups and their resources, I am able to get the same Utilize % as the standard system report using DirectBurden/Capacity where:
Capacity is the sum of ShopCap.Capacity for the days the resource group was used in the date range. If Shopcap.Capacity doesn’t exist for a day/resource, I pull in a ResourceGroup.DailyCapacity instead (DailyCapacity1 for Sunday, 7 for Saturday, and everything in between).
The DirectBurden is the sum of LaborDtl burden where labortype <> ‘S’, and not reworks/addedoper. The direct burden calc. was copied over from the system BAQ, and is always matching with the system report. So that’s why I think I’m overlooking/completely missing something with the capacity.
The majority of the Utilize %'s for our resource groups calculated in this way match with the system report, but I’ve come across 3 or 4 that are off.
Am I completely missing something with what goes into the Capacity for this calculation, or the Utility % calculation altogether?
Any input would be greatly appreciated. I joined the Epicor scene a couple months ago, and lurking on this site has helped me learn the ins and outs tremendously. Thank you all for the great questions and wisdom!
We are set up on a private cloud (sounds cooler than on-prem) and on version 10.2.400.6.