Here's an example of how you can use a parameter in your calculations.
Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value is a parameter derived from a field entered
from the BAQ report.
I've attached a couple of screen shots showing how I converted the entered
field to a date parameter. If they don't make it let me know and I'll send
them to you directly.
Here's the expression in an aging column. Of course, you'd have to use a
different expression to get a value based on your comparisons, but maybe
this will get you started.
=sum(iif(Fields!APInvHed_DueDate.Value <= dateadd("d", -30,
Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value) AND Fields!APInvHed_DueDate.Value >
dateadd("d", -60, *Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value*),
Fields!APInvHed_InvoiceBal.Value, Nothing))
Hope it helps.
Joe Trent
On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:57 AM, bkithca88@... [vantage] <> wrote:
Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value is a parameter derived from a field entered
from the BAQ report.
I've attached a couple of screen shots showing how I converted the entered
field to a date parameter. If they don't make it let me know and I'll send
them to you directly.
Here's the expression in an aging column. Of course, you'd have to use a
different expression to get a value based on your comparisons, but maybe
this will get you started.
=sum(iif(Fields!APInvHed_DueDate.Value <= dateadd("d", -30,
Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value) AND Fields!APInvHed_DueDate.Value >
dateadd("d", -60, *Parameters!CutoffCDate.Value*),
Fields!APInvHed_InvoiceBal.Value, Nothing))
Hope it helps.
Joe Trent
On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:57 AM, bkithca88@... [vantage] <> wrote:
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Thanks for the fast response. I looked into that but the issue is that
> these parameters are used to see a what if scenario for ex. if parameter 1
> is shipping cost and that value is $25.00 how will it compare to the
> current cost from that customer. So the overall idea for this is to have 13
> different optional parameters that will ultimately show a new what if price
> for the customer. I just assumed there had to be a way to make the
> parameters on the crystal level appear to be entered. Hopefully this
> explanation will help.
> Thanks,