Using ODBC Connection with Access 2007 and 8.03.403C

I have successfully set up ODBC connections in 8.03.305 but haven't
been able to do the same with 8.03.403C in Access.

I am trying to create access table links to the progress database.
**Yes I know I am not supposed to do this because of data integrity.
But I have yet to have a problem with my data imports***

I was able to use Excel 2007 and MSQuery and connect to tables in the
progress database.

But when I try and use the same ODBC connection in Access 2007.
I get to the link Tables dialog which shows all the tables in the
progress database.

I select the table I want to link to say pub.part click OK. I then
geth the error "Reserved error (-7748); there is no message for this

Suggestions Ideas?


Oh for those who are trying to set up ODBC connections here are the
instructions I followed

Install ODBC Driver
Browse to
double click setup.exe

for working directory enter \\server\epicor\mfgwrk803
Then follow these registry instructions
ODBC - Registry Entry for 10.1B 32-bit


PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The OE 10.1B ODBC driver does not have the
proper registry entry.
The OE 10.1B ODBC driver is not available for installation in the ODBC
Control Panel.
ODBC setup could not be loaded (126)

PROBLEM RESOLUTION: The OE 10.1B Shared Network Client needs to be
installed for the ODBC driver to run properly.

Use one of the following registry entries below depending if you are
using a Mapped drive to your server or a UNC path to the server.

1) Simply copy and paste one of the sections below to a new text doc.
(i.e. odbc.txt) Copy and paste everything BETWEEN the <>BEGIN<> and
<>END<> markings.
2) Edit the paths accordingly for your installation
3) Save the changes
4) Rename the file from "odbc.txt" to "odbc.reg"
5) Double click and it will import automatically into the workstations

NOTE: This needs to be done on each workstation that will be using ODBC.

This is what the attached registry updated looks like for the one with
the UNC Path:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"OpenEdge 10.1B driver"="Installed"


This is the registry entry for the Mapped Drive:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Progress OpenEdge 10.1B driver"="Installed"


NOTE: Once the ODBC Driver is setup in the ODBC Control Panel, the
Default Isolation Level *MUST* be set to Read Uncommitted.