Using Epicor REST API to create a salesOrder

I’m trying to POST an order from a CRM shopping website but keeping getting this error of card-processor. I’m using the “Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc” service to create the order

    "HttpStatus": 400,
    "ReasonPhrase": "REST API Exception",
    "ErrorMessage": "Currency USD does not have a Credit Card Processor assigned.",
    "ErrorType": "Ice.BLException",
    "ErrorDetails": [
            "Message": "Currency USD does not have a Credit Card Processor assigned.",
            "Type": "Error",
            "Program": "Erp.Services.BO.SalesOrder.dll",
            "Method": "OnChangeCreditCardOrder",
            "ColumnNumber": 21,
            "LineNumber": 19591
    "CorrelationId": "134abb68-12c8-4f5b-972b-ede15859a236"

We’d need to see your Payload to help

Looks like you need to set the credit card processing here.

@josecgomez here it is.

  "OpenOrder": true,
  "VoidOrder": true,
  "Company": "200",
  "OrderNum": 0,
  "CustNum": 127,
  "PONum": "50089",
  "OrderHeld": false,
  "EntryPerson": "Willette_R",
  "ShipToNum": "",
  "RequestDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
  "OrderDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
  "ShipViaCode": "UPS1",
  "TermsCode": "N30C",
  "DiscountPercent": 0,
  "PrcConNum": 0,
  "ShpConNum": 0,
  "SalesRepList": "string",
  "OrderComment": "string",
  "ShipComment": "string",
  "InvoiceComment": "string",
  "PickListComment": "string",
  "DepositBal": 0,
  "DocDepositBal": 0,
  "NeedByDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
  "CreditOverride": true,
  "CreditOverrideUserID": "string",
  "CreditOverrideDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
  "CreditOverrideTime": "string",
  "CreditOverrideLimit": 0,
  "SndAlrtShp": true,
  "ExchangeRate": 1,
  "CurrencyCode": "USD",
  "LockRate": false,
  "CardMemberName": "Laurits Enyinnaya",
  "CardNumber": "111111111111111",
  "CardType": "Mastercard",
  "ExpirationMonth": 11,
  "ExpirationYear": 2030,
  "CardID": "87",
  "CardmemberReference": "Mastercard",
  "AllocPriorityCode": "Mastercard",
  "ReservePriorityCode": "Mastercard",
  "ShipOrderComplete": true,
  "WebOrder": true,
  "CCApprovalNum": "string",
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  "Linked": true,
  "ICPONum": 0,
  "ExtCompany": "string",
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  "AutoOrderBasedDisc": true,
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  "CounterSale": true,
  "CreateInvoice": true,
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  "ProcessCard": "ancorp",
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  "DoNotShipAfterDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
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  "CancelAfterDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.920Z",
  "DemandRejected": true,
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  "OverrideService": true,
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  "DemandHeadSeq": 0,
  "PayFlag": "string",
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  "PayBTCountry": "string",
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  "ChangeTime": 0,
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  "TaxPoint": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.921Z",
  "TaxRateDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.921Z",
  "TaxRegionCode": "string",
  "UseOTS": true,
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  "EntryProcess": "string",
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  "OTSTaxRegionCode": "string",
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  "ProposedTaxRgn": "string",
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      "DoNotShipBeforeDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.922Z",
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      "DoNotShipAfterDate": "2022-08-20T14:29:49.922Z",
      "SchedJob": true,
      "RelJob": true,
      "EnableCreateNewJob": true,
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              "Rpt3FixedAmount": 0,
              "TextCode": "string",
              "SysRevID": 0,
              "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
              "SalesTaxDescDescription": "string",
              "DocDisplaySymbol": "string",
              "CurrencySwitch": true,
              "CurrencyCode": "string",
              "CollectionTypeDescription": "string",
              "DisplaySymbol": "string",
              "NoChangeManual": true,
              "EntryProcess": "string",
              "BitFlag": 0,
              "RateCodeDescDescription": "string",
              "RowMod": "string"
      "OrderDtlAttches": [
          "Company": "string",
          "OrderNum": 0,
          "OrderLine": 0,
          "DrawingSeq": 0,
          "XFileRefNum": 0,
          "SysRevID": 0,
          "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "ForeignSysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "DrawDesc": "string",
          "FileName": "string",
          "PDMDocID": "string",
          "DocTypeID": "string",
          "RowMod": "string"
  "OrderHedUPS": [
      "Company": "string",
      "OrderNum": 0,
      "UPSQVSeq": 0,
      "EmailAddress": "string",
      "ShipmentNotify": true,
      "FailureNotify": true,
      "DeliveryNotify": true,
      "SysRevID": 0,
      "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "EnableQuantumView": true,
      "EntryProcess": "string",
      "BitFlag": 0,
      "RowMod": "string"
  "OrderRepComms": [
      "Company": "string",
      "OrderNum": 0,
      "SalesRepCode": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "CommLines": 0,
      "CommSaleAmt": 0,
      "CommAmt": 0,
      "Seq": "string",
      "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "RowMod": "string"
  "OrderScheds": [
      "Company": "string",
      "OrderNum": 0,
      "PaySeq": 0,
      "PayDays": 0,
      "PayPercent": 0,
      "PayAmount": 0,
      "SysRevID": 0,
      "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "DocPayAmount": 0,
      "Rpt1PayAmount": 0,
      "Rpt2PayAmount": 0,
      "Rpt3PayAmount": 0,
      "CurrencySwitch": true,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "IsLastRow": true,
      "BitFlag": 0,
      "RowMod": "string"
  "OrderHedAttches": [
      "Company": "string",
      "OrderNum": 0,
      "DrawingSeq": 0,
      "XFileRefNum": 0,
      "SysRevID": 0,
      "SysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "ForeignSysRowID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "DrawDesc": "string",
      "FileName": "string",
      "PDMDocID": "string",
      "DocTypeID": "string",
      "RowMod": "string"

Alright, thanks.
But please how did you arrive at this screen?

I searched for currency and found the screen currency master.

1 Like

We are using REST to integrate data from a POS system into Epicor 10.2.500.15. The current process populates the date based on the end of day process of the POS, but, the POS EOD is 1 day prior. EOD runs March 10 at 3a, but we want the process to reflect up until 11:59p, March 9. The REST process can only be run at 3/4a the following day.

So we would like to programmatically set the ShipDate date to ‘yesterdays’ date on the Customer Shipment Entry Screen that lists the PackID generated when the Countersale is button is pressed. I have come across the following field that contains the date, but I have not been able to determine how/where to call/set this in order to populate this field - Erp.Proxy.BO.CustShipImp. I have not found it in the list of business objects for REST…

Any advice on how to proceed?

Have you done a trace of the Counter Sale?

In Swagger, there is the OData endpoints and the Custom endpoints that will match closer to a trace. In the upper-right hand corner of the screen, you should see the custom link.

mind to share the code on how to call the rest api to create sales order?
currently i has using adapter to create as example.

var SOHDTableset = new SalesOrderTableset {
OrderHed = orderHedList.ToArray()
var data = new {
ds = SOHDTableset

var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, “https://testserver/E102Test/api/v2/odata/TGPT/Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc/GetNewOrderHed”);
request.Headers.Add(“Accept”, “application/json”);
request.Headers.Add(“X-API-Key”, “xxxx”);
request.Headers.Add(“Authorization”, “Basic xxxx”);
request.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data), Encoding.UTF8, “application/json”);
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
var order = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

and this is my previous code using and now need to convert this into Rest API…

SalesOrderAdapter _SO = new SalesOrderAdapter(oTrans);
DataTable dsSalesOrder = _SO.SalesOrderData.OrderHed;
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“Company”] = Convert.ToString(row[“Company”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“Plant”] = Convert.ToString(cbPlant.Text);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“PONum”] = Convert.ToString(row[“PONUM”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“TermsCode”] = Convert.ToString(row[“TermsCode”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“CustNum”] = Convert.ToString(row[“CustNum”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“BTCustNum”] = Convert.ToString(row[“CustNum”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“ShipToCustNum”] = Convert.ToString(row[“CustNum”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“EntryPerson”] = Convert.ToString(frmLogin.UserID);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“CurrencyCode”] = “Base”;
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“CustomerCustID”] = Convert.ToString(row[“CustomerCustID”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“FOB”] = Convert.ToString(row[“FOB”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“ShipViaCode”] = “LORY”;
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“Inter_CustID_c”] = Convert.ToString(row[“CustomerCustID”]);
dsSalesOrder.Rows[0][“Inter_PO_c”] = Convert.ToString(row[“Inter_PO_c”]);
_SO.OnChangeofSoldToCreditCheck(0, Convert.ToString(row[“CustomerCustID”]), out string AgingMessage, out bool IContinue);
_SO.MasterUpdate(true, true, “OrderHed”, Convert.ToInt32(row[“custNum”]), 0, false, out IContinue,
out string cRepMsg, out string cCreditShipAction, out string cDisplayMsg, out string cCompliantMsg,
out string cRespMsgOrdRel, out AgingMessage);

At a general level - I would recommend sending what you have on your ecommerce site as parameters to an Epicor function and then use the Epicor BO’s to create the sales order.

All you need to do then is call your Epicor function via the Rest API.

It’s easier to do it this way and also easier to ensure security.

1 Like

Hi, thanks! I’m using Visual Studio for external apps, as previously connected through the object adapter. I’m not sure if that method is still working for using Epicor connected service at Kinetic version 2023. Can you confirm if it’s feasible?

You should be able to call the Rest-API via VS, using System.Net.

1 Like

You can use this nuget we wrote

It should let you call the same BO methods you called before but via rest

It has been used in hundreds of projects and it is throughly tested and documented

1 Like

Hi Jose,
Glad to receive your response and I did follow you, I did try your project, just I have no idea where to start, and is there any documentation guideline in order to get connect?
Secondly currently we are moving towards Kinetic whereby I do have few external app C# VS project which connect to Epicor E10 previously using BO adapter, especially as create new SO which we need to continue fire few method as follow:
_SO.OnChangeofSoldToCreditCheck(0, Convert.ToString(row[“CustomerCustID”]), out string AgingMessage, out bool IContinue);
_SO.MasterUpdate(true, true, “OrderHed”, Convert.ToInt32(row[“custNum”]), 0, false, out IContinue,
out string cRepMsg, out string cCreditShipAction, out string cDisplayMsg, out string cCompliantMsg,
out string cRespMsgOrdRel, out AgingMessage);

Just I have no idea how to pass on to next method call and where to set the ds.
Is any expert here do mind to share as the sample of this calling, which much appreciate.

That link above has documentation that shows how to connect and how to make calls

1 Like

Since this comes up quite a bit, I found a video that suggests an architecture that might make these external integrations easier.

greats info thanks @Mark_Wonsil

Thanks @josecgomez

i has construct the simple payload with respective input for MasterUpdate in SalesOrder and still respone me BadRequest as following:

Ice.Common.EpicorServerException: Parameter lCheckForOrderChangedMsg is not found in the input object

My payload is:

var UpdateDat = new
    lCheckForOrderChangedMsg = true,
    lcheckForResponse = true,
    cTableName = "OrderHed",
    iCustNum = 277,
    iOrderNum = 0,
    lweLicensed = false,
var UpdPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(UpdateDat);
var cont = new StringContent(UpdPayload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
apiUrl = BaseAddress + "odata/" + CompanyID + "/Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc/MasterUpdate";
response = await client.PostAsync(apiUrl, new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cont), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

someone kindly assist which area I did wrong and how to make the correction, I checked the rawdata for my payload but I didnt find any part missing.