Hi, may i know is it possible to using job closing backflush to deduct raw material with lotnum?
My epicor version = 10.2.500.20
Appreciate for any reply
I don’t believe this will work due to traceability. The parts backflushed have to be the same lot that was physically issued, and unless absolutely certain that the backflushed lots will match, there is a significant risk of losing lot control.
Hopefully someone else can weigh in on this, but in our aerospace environment, it’s a non-starter.
I agree with @Gil_V on this.
If the operation is quick, you might be able to use a Kan Ban Receipt. Here you do the work and report the production, scrap, etc. in one fell swoop. Basically, Epicor creates a job, engineers and releases it, issues materials (even serialized or lot-tracked), and reports production - again which can be lot-tracked or serialized.
If the process runs a long time or if you have subcontracting, this won’t fit. But if it’s less than a day…