Using attachments in E10

We are trying to use the Attachment feature in E10. We want to have all users be able to view attachments, but it looks like this is only possible if the attachment lives on a network drive. How do we set this up so that a user who has entered a Sales Order, for instance, can attach a technical specification to the order so that all users can see it? This specification typically resides in the user’s computer, and not on a network drive. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Check the attachments tab in Company Maintenance. I haven’t used it, but from reading the help it seems it would upload the file to a central location (or sharepoint library).

Go to Document Type Maintenance and create a new Document Type with Storage Type File System Document or Collaboration Link (read field help to determine the one that you want). From what you’re describing, you don’t want to choose Attachment Link

Then, when attaching a file, choose the Document Type that you just created.


Thanks for the quick replies! I’ll look into both ideas. Thanks very much!

Rick Stannard
IT Project Manager

Not sure in E10, but in E9 there is a client config item for duplicate file attachments. If you have a file that is already an attachment, like drawing1.dmg for example and a user wants to attach a different file to a different job/case/whatever with the same name the system should prompt asking to overwrite or rename the file. This can lead to files being overwritten by mistake.

The DuplicateAttachmentMode value in client config file should help.he user can overwrite the file and nobody will know. By default it is set to Prompt I recall, AutoDateStamp appends an encoded of the filename in brackets eg. atlog(636350448145141803).txt as distinct from the previously saved file atlog.txt. Not to mention remove another unnecessary mouse click.

Prompt shows something like.

I hope someone finds this useful, if anyone can confirm if this is in E10 even better.

It is still available in E10. Inside the client folder open the ConfigEditor.exe or edit the sysconfig manually. Somewhere towards the bottom is DuplicateAttachMode:AutoDateStamp/Prompt.

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