Using Application Studio, UD40 converted improperly

We have a custom form, using UD40, that retrieves a bill of materials. At some point in time the conversion processes created the Kinetic app for this, but the custom tab that was added is hidden away and I cannot figure out what Application Studio is expecting me to tell it in order to reveal the custom tab. For example, the Classic design…

But then the resulting Kinetic App design notice how the form is completely blank there in the background…

This is my first attempt to work with this UD40 form and deploy it for Kinetic so I apologize if this is a really basic question. Have you run into this? Is this an easy thing to “fix”?

Kinetic is not going to convert your custom tab for much of anything I believe you just need to re-create that in App Studio.

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Don’t rely on their converter (it’s janky at best).
Start from scratch. Every time.

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Well, even if the customization “tab” itself is toast, should I at least be able to “Unhide” the standard tabs for UD40? Even that is not working for me in a way that I was expecting it to, at least.

When recreating, aren’t you essentially just creating a new “layer” but still on top of the UD40 object? There’s probably a ton of basics I am overlooking here. I’m sorry this is such an uneducated line of questions.

Yes, probably best to delete the layer that Epicor attempted to create for you, and start a new one.

There’s no telling what hidden issues await in the ‘auto-converted’ layer :slight_smile:

Base should not have anything hidden, just like in classic.

More-or-less, yes.