I would like to run some test reports from our Pilot Server using the Live SSRS reports.
I want to verify the correct way to do this
go into the Epicor Admin Console > Select Pilot under server management > Application Server Config
Under the Reporting Services change SSRS Reports Root Finder from EpicorPilot10 to Epicor Live 10, and Report Database name from EpicorPilot10Reports to EpicorLive10Reports.
Doing these steps, will the break anything on the Live side for reports?
If there is another suggestion please let me know.
I want to run reports using my Pilot server. I was going to change my Pilot server to point to my Live reports. Is this something that could potentially break the reports in Live?
Would it be better to copy live reports to the Pilot Custom Reports?
Why don’t you copy the production database and overwrite your pilot database so you can test your reports? You will have to export out your styles and RDD’s before hand.
If I understand correctly, you are saying you want a copy of the LIVE SSRS reports for your Pilot instance. If that’s the case, there are two ways I would go about it:
If you have a small set of reports you want to migrate over. I would simply export the Report Data Definition and the Report Style as a solution and import it to your Pilot instance.
If you have a large set of reports, I would backup your report server database for Pilot for precaution. Copy the production report server database and restore it over the pilot one.
*Beware though that the “EpicorLive10ReportsDB” does not hold the reports “RDL”, they are temporary data storage for the reports when executed. You want the main report server database. Typically called “ReportServer”. Also if you do copy the report server database for production. Don’t forget your encryption key as you will need to upload it in your Pilots report server manager so you can access the reports. You will also need to validate the “shared datasource” the reports use and change it from production to pilot.