Urgent upgrade failed

Attempting to upgrade from 10.1.600.25 to 10.1.600.30 and got the following message during deployment:

Validating Deployment Data.

Configuration Errors
The following issues were found. Please fix these and try again:

The Client Deployment share ‘UD10.1.600.30Deployment’ to the directory:
‘C:\Users\administrator.AIRMO\Desktop\UD10.1.600.30\ClientDeployment’ is missing.

Deployment Client Share does not exist: \AirmoMain\UD10.1.600.30Deployment.
Verify that the share has not been deleted and the share directory still exists.

SSRS report.zip file not found:

It would seem that your shares on the server are not there, but, they are looking in the wrong place. Can’t say I’ve seen this behavior.

You can reinstall the base 10.1.600.0 version, which will create the shares if they are really missing, then try to upgrade again.

Got it working - thanks.

How did you get it working?