Facing some issues with warehouse upload through DMT tool. Right now, we are uploading single / Primary warehouse to a part at once. I am looking for the way, which helps to upload multiple warehouses at once though excel sheet. Is there any way to do this?.
I believe you can only have one primary warehouse per plant for a part. Do you have multiple plants? Do you have bins? To upload warehouse / bins for a part/plant record, we use the following template for DMT:
Company PartNum Plant WarehouseCode BinNum
TEIK 0846S08141-030 10 PA MAIN PA-P007-01
@Nancy : In this case, i want to asingn one more warehouse code to same part. I.e
Company PartNum Plant WarehouseCode BinNum
TEIK 0846S08141-030 10 PA MAIN PA-P007-01
TEIK 0846S08141-030 10 PA WIP PA-WIP
like this, We have more than 5 warehouses and need to move a part continuously. When a part is uploaded,
We need to assign another warehouses manually each time,and its a time consuming practice.
How are you doing this? Are you uploading new parts? In that case, then yes, there will be an issue. However, if you’re uploading with the Part Warehouse template, you can assign as many additional warehouses as you want. I think you’ll always have one plant and warehouse created with a part as defaults, but the rest should be loaded as Part Warehouse records. If you want, you can set the Part Warehouse load to add and update so that there is no error when re-writing the default warehouse.
Yes @Jim_Lutz : I am talking about new part upload. While uploading a new part i want to assign multiple warehouses. If it is not possible due to duplicate part , Can i assign it using Part Warehouse template. ?
Part.Warehouse template
But i think DMT will throw an error of duplicate part entry.
It should work for you.
Assuming you just want to verify before you start & have not actually received any errors?
There is the combined part template but I prefer separate templates.
e.g. Part, PartPlant(s) then PartWhse(s)
Yes, you can use the PartWhse template. The Part template will require the default plant and warehouse, which it will then set up. After that, you can set up the additional PartWhse records and PartPlant records with those templates.
I would start with the initial Part template, giving DMT a bare minimum information for the Plant and Warehouse (codes only). Then I would add the details for the Plants and Warehouses in subsequent data loads to complete the location of the existing and non-existent records using Add + Update in DMT.