We are about to upgrade our existing Epicor vm servers from OS 2016 to 2019. I was looking to see if there was any gotchas to be concerned about regarding Epicor application, etc.
I can’t think of anything I had trouble with - did this four times for my Prod/Dev/Test app servers in January.
Now - SQL is a different story - SSRS is a separate install with 2017+ versions and must be dealt with in addition to the core SQL upgrade.
thank you
Mike or Chantal,
We are going to be upgrading our system soon and I have been trying to gather information on the SQL 2016 to 2019 move. I understand SSRS is a standalone install and system in SQL 2019 vs 2016. During your upgrades was there any thing special you needed to do to “move” reports from one version/system to another? ie: any custom reports crated in the older version or did Epicor just move everything over when you published reports to the new server? Does this make sense? Thanks…
@RWB How and what are you updating? Same server/New server OS and SQL? Is the Epicor version changing?
Per the architecture guide SQL 2019 needs Server 2019. If you are upgrading SQL you need to uninstall SSRS and reinstall after. Make sure to grab the SQL key during the install to use later with SSRS.
If you are also updating Epicor then the standard reports will be deployed, but the custom ones you will have to move. You can use solution workbench, but there are some things to be careful of depending on the version you are moving from and to. There is also a utility on this site to move SSRS reports.
We are upgrading on the same machine as our existing installation. We are on 10.2.700.24 moving to Kinetic 2022.1.13. We will be doing a sandbox install prior, but I was confused about moving the report server from 2016 to 2019 since it is a bit different on the setup. I am not familiar were to find that utility. Where do I find it? Thanks
here is the link to it.
I’ve been away fro0m the office for a few days - @gpayne is correct, and there are plenty of MS resources guiding you on the SQL & SSRS upgrade - get them, read them, use them .
And you do need to get your custom stuff exported so you can import again. I did the in-place/same server upgrade of SQL and SSRS and followed the MS guide to doing it. I had my own SSRS reports plus some customized Epicor stuff - exported them all for good measure - but I’m pretty sure the upgrade path was very straightforward and 'upgrades the previous Report Database so I ended up not having to import everything again. This is the link I used as my primary path: Migrate a Reporting Services Installation (Native Mode) - SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) | Microsoft Learn