Upgrading from 10 to Kinetic problem

After doing conversion to 11.2.300.0 and trying to restart the appserver we are receiving the error ‘failed to enable constraints’ and are unable to complete the final conversion to 11.2.300.6. Any ideas?

We are thinking maybe we had some tables out of sync in the Epicor10 database. We are going to resync the Epicor10 database, then make a backup and try the conversion again.

Go-live on Kinetic is Monday morning.

I would try changing the account and password for the Admin console settings

We were able to do the conversion from 10 to 11.2.300.6 after we resynced Epicor10 and made a new backup of the database. Epicor 11 is up and running but the report server will not start. We had everything working and we tested everything over the last 2 months. Yesterday we made a backup of Epicor 10 and ran the conversions. The report server was already setup and working. Today we receive the attached error:

When I try to browse to the Report Server I receive this:

Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Start from the basics. On the SSRS server in the configuration manager is the database right, can you open both web pages?

Does the Epicor Reports database exist? is the name right in the config? No missing slashes.

We started sql and report server with evaluation licenses. Later we upgraded to full licensing. Turns out, report server needed the product code as it was in evaluation mode.

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