Upgrading from 10.2.500.40 to 11.2.100

I was wondering what a timeline for an upgrade would look like? How long does the upgrade take?

Could be a month, could be a year. We did 10.1 to 2021.2 in 3 months. It really depends on the size of your database, how many customizations you have, how broken they are after upgrading, how much time or how many resources you have to dedicate to fixing them, how much time your users can dedicate to testing, whether you are trying to adopt kinetic UI at the same time or stay with classic, whether you run into any showstopper bugs and have to wait for a new release etc etc etc.


AND what color shirt you’re wearing. I find that that when I wear my GREEN shirts, it takes longer. Your mileage may vary.

If you can, I would recommend upgrading to a newer version, 11.2.100 is already 2 minor versions behind the most recent release (11.2.300). Especially if you are going to try moving to Kinetic UI.

Our users are wanting to stay in the current UI that we have. There isn’t a lot of interest in the Kinetic Menu “Look”. I have been trying to get more and more people off of the classic menu, and that has already been met with some pushback.:man_facepalming:t3:

It’s a good decision to stay on classic, at least until you are completely done with the upgrade. And it will make your upgrade get done faster. We have had nothing but problems with the screens we have switched to kinetic. I believe 2023+ will address some problems and (maybe?) start to get better but that doesn’t heal the kinetic pain of the last 18 months.

I’d still go up closer to current if not straight to current.

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Run your database through the ERP Analyzer that will give you an idea of how much work you have…

If you have screen customisations then you will have namespace changes at a minimum and any custom reports. Got custom code in your BPMs then they may not convert over… The Analyzer will help.

Time will also be impacted by how much or little you test as well. If you have a good set of test plans then that’s your starting point, as you will know how long it took to complete them last time…Then again your user base will be a bit more mature and familiar with Kinetic so you might be surprised.

You can save time by strapping on your chaps and spurs and just not bother with testing, but that might end in a just a few tears… :slight_smile:

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I have been searching for this online but can’t really find anything specific on it. Is it a webpage, or built into Epicor?

Its a separate website. Your customer account manager can get you an account.

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Thanks! I was able to get a report out of it. Now for some light reading!

Just for reference.

Sorry I didn’t include it earlier. Here is the link


You will need a login from your CAM if I recall.

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