You pay me just 500$ a / mo ill do the upgrades for you whenever you need them done :P. On a serious note at a location we spent like 12,000$ on Servers and for 7yrs they have been serving us rock solid, now thats a ROI baby! Not like Hard Drives crash weekly or monthly… We had 0 failures luckily ever! DELL T710s
Some Cisco Switches… 2 ISPs 1 T1 and Comcast with WatchGuard Failover Setup… Business never had 1 outage. I cant justify 1800$/mo when I always can just pay 1x and be set for 5-10yrs.
Epicor upgrades are becoming simpler and simpler… My 7yr old did one in our Lab… Major Upgrades / Code Uplifts are another story.
At a second location we use Cisco Blades (vSphere, VMWare) a more costlier Setup… but Again… You buy it and it runs for 5-10yrs. If you have it setup right, stuff just runs, if you mess with it every day of course your going to mess things up… But even that was overkill “We need to scale”… Umm last time I checked companies don’t add 500 employees overnight. Especially not Mfg Plants. Probably even have a switch thats 10-15yrs old, still powering everything
That one time something goes down… Find your nearest Local Managed Services provider, they’ll fix it and you dont have to see them for another 5yrs. (hopefully). Plenty of them do project work, one-time gigs, your hardware has support call Dell call HP.
NOW If I have 3000 employees and I need better support / hardware, totally diff story under 200 I wouldnt bother with anything complex. Its not that hard, setup Windows Backups to a Drobo device, you got some Backups nightly, SQL Maintenance Plans use the Wizard get something in, tada.
If you have a smaller setup YOU CAN Keep it Simple and use out of the box Windows tools some SpiceWorks notifications to notify you when stuff is low, overall - unless your doing 1 million transactions a day and don’t have VPN Tunnels and Remote Sites all over the world, you can keep it simple and in-house. Unless I am misinformed, but I never had any issue. Heck the employer I left never even replaced me, still running fine for 2yrs and 2mo now.