Upgrades and personalizations

Typically you would deal with personalizations separately from customizations. For personalizations I would just go in and verify them, usually that will take care of them. If the user experiences errors then you would delete them. If you want, export their personalization, save it, and then try reimporting them.
For customizations, you are most likely dealing with database/field issues. Review the warnings and try to recompile. If that doesnt fix them, you may need to go into customization mode, run it, and see if you need to modify some of your epi bindings and/or scripts depending upon the error you get

From: Tanya Denison <tdenison@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:30 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Upgrades and personalizations

We are working on the 9.05.701 upgrade from our current version of
9.05.605. This is our first upgrade since going live, and so we have not
had to deal with personalizations previously.

What do you do with personalizations which do not pass validation? Do you
delete them and ask the users to recreate them? Do you try to fix them?

We also have a few customizations which gave warnings or errors, so we will
need to revise them. What do you do with personalizations over
customizations as you modify your customizations? Do you move the
personalization under the new customization? Do you delete and ask your
users to recreate?

Thanks for any advice!

*Tanya Denison* | IT Manager | NRS, Inc.

*2009 S. Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843*

mailto:%2Atdenison%40nrsweb.com *|* www.nrsweb.com*

*c: 208.301.0599* | *p: 208.883.7834 Ext 277 *|* f: 208.882.1744*

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We are working on the 9.05.701 upgrade from our current version of
9.05.605. This is our first upgrade since going live, and so we have not
had to deal with personalizations previously.

What do you do with personalizations which do not pass validation? Do you
delete them and ask the users to recreate them? Do you try to fix them?

We also have a few customizations which gave warnings or errors, so we will
need to revise them. What do you do with personalizations over
customizations as you modify your customizations? Do you move the
personalization under the new customization? Do you delete and ask your
users to recreate?

Thanks for any advice!

*Tanya Denison* | IT Manager | NRS, Inc.

*2009 S. Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843*

*tdenison@... *|* www.nrsweb.com*

*c: 208.301.0599* | *p: 208.883.7834 Ext 277 *|* f: 208.882.1744*

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