I can't tell you how many hours I spent on the phone with Epicor about a problem
only to find out (sometimes days later) that it was a known problem, oh and by
the way a one off patch is available. Very frustrating and time consuming.
Another very frustrating thing is Epicor support's lack of knowledge concerning
their own product. I can't tell you how many times I've asked a simple question
like "where does this data come from", or "how is this field populated" just to
have my request logged and forgotten about. There has been many times where I
have gotten my answer almost immediately from this users group and days later
when Epicor got back to me with a totally incomprehensible answer I had to
explain to them what the solution was.
I guess what really frustrates me is that Vantage is a really good product. It
offers a level of customability over any other software product I ever used.Â
But with such poor support, and buggy releases it is extremely hard to defend
it, and until Epicor's policy and practices change I could never recommend it to
another company.
From: dswmaom <
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 5:16:15 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Upgrade from Vantage 8.04 Epicor 9.xx
I too have suggested this enough times (even at Sr. Mgmt levels within EPICOR)
to know that they have no intention of ever supporting this very basic customer
request. I am generally considered to be an optomist but I have resorted to
accepting the fact that our company will never receive the level of baseline
support from EPICOR that we expect.
We recently put up 8.03.409C in a test environment only to find an alarming
number of glaring bugs on a number of screens. Things such as drop down
selection boxes that appear in the middle of a screen that aren't just out of
place; they shouldn'g even be on the screen at all.
We are so very disapointed that EPICOR doesn't proactively notify customers of
these bugs in advance and push the fix out automatically. I can't understand why
it is acceptable to knowningly let each and every customer that passes through
each release during their upgrade path to step in every pothole on their own
when it can be prevented. I can't see any up-side to their current strategy.
There are so many customers that have great ideas on how to improve the process
and the product. I only wish there were some receptive listeners. It would make
for a stronger product with an improved value proposition and everyone would
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Bryan" <bmseekins@...> wrote:
> Is there a way to get a list of all off the E9.05 SCR pending. Seems silly that
>each customer has find them all the hard way.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Chris Thompson <chriselectrix@> wrote:
> >
> > Which version of 9.04 are you aiming towards?
> >
> > ÂÂ
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: rlsand50 <bob.sanders@>
> > To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Thu, 9 September, 2010 15:02:02
> > Subject: [Vantage] Upgrade from Vantage 8.04 Epicor 9.xx
> >
> > ÂÂ
> > All, we are on a upgrade project with "Go Live" set for October 1st from
> > 8.04 to Epicor 9.04. We still have serious issues with the software and have
> > support tickets in. This has been a very long journey and wanted to get
> > from the group as to your opinions of upgrading to E9.xx. Please share any
> > successes or issues that you have had on the upgrade - I would appreciate any
> > advice we can get.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]