Upgrade from 10.1.500 to 10.2.300 - Cannot add tasks to Quotes unless the user owns the quote

Got an odd one that I thought someone might have an idea about. We were going to do our upgrade this weekend but testing found an issue. Tech support is stumped after looking at it for a few hours and trying to reproduce it on their end (they cannot).

We have a process where customer service will create a quote and add three tasks - one for accounting, one for engineering, and one for sales. The issue is that a user (like accounting) can mark their task as complete, but cannot add another task (like if the quote needs a manager approval) to the quote.

In testing weā€™ve found that the admin security group can add the task, that the accounting user can add a task on quotes they create, and Epicor tech support says all of our employee - workforce - territory - role code - etc. set up is all correct and we should not be seeing this problem.

Anyone have any other ideas? I would appreciate anything you can think of to check.

Mike - Take a look in Service Security Maintenance and see if one of the Task business object methods has ā€œsecurity manager access onlyā€ checked. We had a similar issue where only a security manager could delete a lines on sales orders during our 10.2.300 upgrade testing.

Iā€™m not sure if this is the right one below:

Another thought is making sure the task set is active, but I assume it would be if you havenā€™t changed anythingā€¦

We have a similar situation. We would like customer service to perform actions on quotes created by salespeople. It appears that the UserID must be listed as an Authorized User on the WorkforceID account.

So if Greg Brady (userid = gbrady) is an authorized user of the WorkforceID SalesPerson01, he can perform tasks on behalf of SalesPerson01. This does NOT mean he can log in as Mike Brady (who is, in fact, SalesPerson01).

It gets a little confusing if the WorkforceIDs are the same as the UserIDs.

@askulte - thanks for the tip, but that wasnā€™t our issue.
@skhayatt - this ended up being what the issue was, butā€¦

in 10.1.500.17 you did not have to be marked as an authorized user for the workforceID - this is the way weā€™ve been working for a few years. Our cost accountant could mark a task as completed and add a task for engineering if needed.

In 10.2.300.9 - After 3 hours last night with a great Epicor support person Miriam, we found that you do in fact need to be an authorized user of the primary salesperson on the quote. In the end, this means that any of your non-salespeople who process tasks will need to be authorized users for some/all of your workforce IDs. Not sure if this is good/bad or necessary in the grand scheme.

This is a new ā€˜featureā€™ of the security model, so we are submitting to DEV for any kind of explanation or to have it turned into a bug report.


This kind of makes sense though. If ANYBODY can add (or delete) a task to any workflow, then the technically, you have no workflow because a critical step could be bypassed. It seems that somebody has to be in control of the entire workflow and now the default is the user who started it - in this case, the Primary Sales Rep but maybe thatā€™s different with Help Desk Cases and ECO flows.

The question is, how can you give a third party the ability to control the workflow in an easy way? Making them an authorized user of the work force potentially has other implications.

Hmmm. :thinking:

Mark - I totally agree - there has to be some sort of control, but you are not exactly correct with the Prime rep connection.

In 10.1.500.17, our process has been that a Customer Service person creates the quote and adds a salesperson/Workforce as the primary salesrep on the quote. Our task set is a default two task set that is set at the company level to attach itself to the quotes, and the tasks get assigned to the Primary Rep by Epcior (when the tasks are added, behind the scenes). Iā€™d have to pull the screens up again to show the whole picture, but we use a generic ā€˜Open Tasksā€™ role code on the tasks in that Task Set. And we have an ā€˜Openā€™ Workforce who has the ā€˜Open Tasksā€™ role code AND where the accountants and engineers are authorized users. That allowed them to manipulate tasks on the quotes. I might be missing a piece in there as Iā€™m not a Tasks expert.

In 10.2.300.9, the accountant workforce is allowed to complete one of the tasks even if itā€™s not assigned to him, BUT only way to get the accountant workforce to be able to ADD a task is to make them an authorized user for the primary salesrep.

Putting some thought into this last night, I can see where the logic for part of this lies. You wouldnā€™t want anyone adding tasks to a salesrepā€™s quote unless you explicitly gave them ā€˜authorized userā€™ permission to act on the saelsrepā€™s behalf. BUT that doesnā€™t jive with the inherent (non-specified) permission to complete a task not assigned to them.

I am open (and welcome) any and all discussion on this as Iā€™m approaching it as a learning exercise :slight_smile:

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