Upgrade 10.2.400 to 10.2.700 crashing

So I’m trying to get back on the updates here and I’m currently struggling trying to run another test upgrade from 10.2.4 to 10.2.7. I have both versions installed on my live server (due to not having the ability to have a dedicated test server) and I did this upgrade back on 4/28/2021 without issue and got a DB up to 10.2.7. I’m now running into this error when trying to bring up a restored DB from 10.2.4. I’m recovering it via SQL Management Studio, then going to Admin Console and trying to run the “Upgrade Epicor Database” function. I check off all functions and it keeps erroring out on the Upgrade Process ICE3.2.600.0
Log File
Epicor10.2_Results_03_28_2022 15_09_52.txt (4.0 KB)

Any Suggestions on where to look before I gut the 10.2.700 install I have and start over again.

Previous 4/28/2021 log file.
Epicor10.2_Results_04_28_2021 11_26_41.txt (51.8 KB)

First guess is that you need to remove the DB entry from Admin console, and then register it again so the entry in Admin Console thinks it’s the old version and not the new one.

I was thinking that but when I recover the DB in SQL management studio and then return to the Admin console, it’s reporting that DB as ICE version 3.2.400.36 and ERP 10.2.400.36 where as the previous DB that I converted would show up as ICE version 3.2.700.12 and ERP 10.2.700.12

I may still try that since I’m at a loss and not making any other progress right now.

This is the admin console view after restoring the new DB that I want to convert to 10.2.700

Gave that a shot and it fails on the same thing as before.

It’s as if there are files missing or something 10.2.400 took over and it can’t convert to 10.2.700

Going to try and upgrade my working 10.2.700 install to the latest patch level and see if that even works.

@FTI-SeniorAdmin I had a pilot 10.2.400 that I needed to move to 11.1.200. once the db migration zip is unzipped you can see those sql files. They are trying to do a bunch of alter table commands so the user logged in does not have enough permissions on the database server. I looked in activity monitor since i thought I would see that it was running those commands as the database or apppool user, but they were running from my account.

the scripts are here.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\4.1.200\DB Migration\DB Scripts\Ice Scripts\Upgrade\ICE3.2.600.0

I’m attempting to do a 10.2.400 to 10.2.500 DB conversion first and then try to go to 10.2.700, SO far its looking good… It got passed the Ice 3.2.500 update.

I noticed on the 10.2.700 conversion that there was no listing of going to 10.2.500 first, it only showed the next step being 10.2.600. I honestly wonder if that’s because I have 10.2.500 installed on this machine from previous tests so the update process to 700 skips that? I honestly don’t know but I’ll let you know if it gets me there.

That seems to have fixed it… It’s going from 10.2.500 to 10.2.700 now. Must be due to the fact that I have 500 installed so even though it sees the DB loaded is a 10.2.400 it wont go straight to 700. WEIRD… but I’ll take it.


Couple of more tidbits to add to this. When I was trying to go direct to .700 I would pick “upgrade database” and it would go straight to this window.

However when I removed the DB from the list, and Registered an existing using the 10.2.500 snap-in, then I would see this screen first.

Followed by this screen.

So I truly wonder if it’s due to the fact of having a 10.2.500 deployment on the server and that snap-in installed… Its expecting me to go from the highest possible level to the next one in line… aka .500 to .700, vs .400 to .700.