Upgrade 10.2.300 to 10.2.400.4

Just upgraded system from 10.2.300 to 10.2.400.2.

Had one strange error message. Page 19 Section 2.7 (upgrade Epicor Application Server) - Step 13.

Errors: Access to the path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\EPICORLIVE\Server\Erp\EI\ExtFcstImport_SF_Part\Resources is denied.

I’m not sure what I did - but I went out and back into the admin console multiple times and in the process of documenting the error - it started working. I did not change anything (knowingly)

Other than that glitch - the installation went smoothly.

I got an error message

You could possible get that error because of permissions to write to that directory are not allowed.

Mr. Erik: Thank you for the suggestion. I was thinking along those lines also, except that the user I was logged in as has full privileges AND I did NOT change any security settings - but it all of a sudden worked.

HaHa - I guess doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is . . .

It was file locking. I’m guessing this was an in place upgrade of the app server not a blow away and make new?

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And this is what happens when you are in the middle of a test get distracted and close out of the admin console and come back forgetting to run as admin

I was running a 10.2.400.4 install.

Stopping Application Pool: ERP102400-Demo.
Stopping Epicor Services.
Updating Server Files.
Updating Client Files.
Configuring Site.
Starting Application Pool: ERP102400-Demo.
Starting Epicor Services.

Application Server Setup Failed.
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An unexpected error occurred while compiling expressions. Native compiler return value: ‘[BC31007] Unable to open module file 'C:\Users\sqlTrsESQL02\AppData\Local\Temp\clwu4pbu.0.vb': System Error &Hc0000005& (Visual Basic internal compiler error)’.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at Ice.Lib.SsrsReporting.ReportingService2010.CreateCatalogItem(String ItemType, String Name, String Parent, Boolean Overwrite, Byte[] Definition, Property[] Properties, Warning[]& Warnings)
   at Ice.Lib.Reporting.SsrsFolder.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<CreateReport>b__0(IReportingService service)
   at Ice.Lib.Reporting.SsrsReportingServiceCaller.DoWithService[TReturn](Func`2 action)
   at Ice.Lib.Reporting.SsrsFolder.CreateReport(String reportPath, Byte[] reportBytes)
   at Ice.Lib.Reporting.SsrsReportingServiceCaller.DoWithService[TReturn](Func`2 action)
   at Ice.Lib.Reporting.SsrsReportImporter.ImportReport(String reportPath, XDocument reportDocument)
   at SetupEnvironment.Steps.ImportSsrsReports.ImportReportsInZipFile(SsrsReportImporter reportImporter, SsrsFolder ssrsFolder, String reportsBasePath, String reportZipPath)
   at SetupEnvironment.Steps.ImportSsrsReports.ImportReportsInZipFiles(SsrsReportingServiceCaller serviceCaller, String reportsBasePath, String reportZipPaths)
   at SetupEnvironment.StepBase.Run()

It is interesting to note that it address a user profile that does not exist on the machine