Upgrade 10.1.400 -> 10.1.600 error

Does anyone have any insight on this error?

Error Upgrade Process ModifyCorrAccUIDCols.sql The transaction log for database ‘E10DEMO2’ is full due to ‘ACTIVE_TRANSACTION’.
ALTER TABLE [Erp].[TranGLC] ALTER COLUMN CorrAccUID bigint not null
The statement has been terminated.
DECLARE @TableSchema sysname
DECLARE @TableName s
Execute Phase Complete: 113.8087023 seconds

Starting Cleanup Phase…

  • Upgrade Process ERP10.1.600.0
    Cleanup Phase: 0.006264 seconds

DB Migration process is cancelled by the user.
The total execution time is 1.9273 minutes.

You need to provide more space for the SQL Log file for your database or backup / truncate your database log to clear it up.


Set your database to simple while doing the upgrade so the log file doesn’t grow too large.

Chris Wineinger
Dorner Mfg

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