Updating PartPlant.CostMethod through DMT


Is it possible to update PartPlant CostMethod via DMT. We have a handful of parts where the Part.CostMethod got loaded as STD, but the plant records came in as AVG. In the Client I can switch the Part from STD to AVG then back to STD and I get the popup asking if I want to refresh the Part Site to the same Cost Method. When I click yes everything updates correctly (Part.CostMethod and PartPlant.CostMethod are both STD). However when I follow this process through DMT the only thing updated in the Part.CostMethod. When I try to update via the PartPlant DMT I get the following error “Part Sites with different cost methods within the same Cost ID is not allowed.”

Is there a flag in the Part DMT that mimics the question to update the part site cost method?

There is a separate DMT upload for PartPlant. You’d want to use that one for updating at the Plant (Site) level.

Yeah when I try that I get the following message “Part Sites with different cost methods within the same Cost ID is not allowed.” I couldn’t find a way to successfully update through the Part Plant DMT

This may be too much for DMT, in terms of maintaining data integrity. To automate this, you may need to use the business object methods(where you could specify the response). Trace the steps in the client and model your code after that.

If you only have a handful to update, probably not worth the investment.

I’m unsure what your goal is here (I can’t tell from your original post). do you want everything set as AVG in all sites, everything set as STD in all sites, or some parts set AVG in one plant and STD in another plant?

Out of the box, Epicor doesn’t (normally) allow different sites to have different cost methods UNLESS Finance has done some work first. If things are out of whack, there is another field on the Part DMT upload “Update PartPlant”, which if selected and set TRUE will update all PartPlant records beneath the part being updated. If you want all your PartPlant records to be set at whatever the Part is set at, run a DMT on Part with that field set to true.

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Sorry the original post wasn’t very clear. The goal was to Match PartPlant.CostMethod with Part.CostMethod. I was missing the UpdatePartPlant Flag. Thanks a lot for the help!