I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this.
This is all so confusing! I looked at your other post on adding columns to existing grids. This seems so much more complicated than before. I can’t believe it is this difficult to add a single field to an existing grid.
I got my WhseBin dataview to populate with getrows. As you said, it shows all the bins in the warehouse. Not just the bins that contain my parts. The details do contain my Fullness_c field, so that part is kind of working. But, I am looking for all the bins that the Quantity Adjust - Warehouse Bins grid would normally have in it. I added the part number to the where statement. Although the syntax works, since part number is not part of the WhseBins table or dataview, it returns nothing.
How do I return all the rows that the grid would normally return, just tack on my extra field to it?