Updating JobMtl Records with DMT

We need to update JobMtl records on open jobs where the parts have not been issued. I would to use DMT to do this, however, all of the jobs have been engineered so DMT gave me an error.

Is there a way I can get these un-engineered, change the needed records, and then engineer them again with DMT? Or will I need to use an updatable dashboard to un-engineer all the jobs and then make the changes with DMT?

You’d have to make a templated that unreleases, unengineers the jobs, then run your material updated and reverse it with your other template. There’s also a flag in company config that allows you tonight make changes to engineered jobs. You could temporarily flip that if it makes sense for you to do so.

Thanks for the suggestion Rob, I didn’t even think about using DMT to change that flag. A quick test worked great!