Updating Burden cost using DMT Tool

We are trying to update our burden costs for about 3000 parts using the DMT tool to change them. We are being told from Epicor that there is no way to use the DMT tool to update the costs (this would mean we would have to manually edit 3000 parts using the Cost Adjustment menu item).

If it can’t be done in the DMT, how does everyone else do it?

It appears those fields are available in DMT for Cost Adjustment…

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I recall cost adjustment was demonstrated in the DMT – Quick Start Tutorial located at the very bottom of DMT Home tab.

It is but you can’t select UPDATE, only Add NEW is available:

Scott Thompson

IT Manager/Webmaster

Advanced Wireless Communications

20809 Kensington Blvd | Lakeville, MN 55044-8353 |
sthompson@advancedwireless.com | Directions & Map

Phone: (952) 469-5400 Ext 199 | Toll Free: (800) 475-5852 | Direct: (952) 469-0199 | Skype: sthompson@advancedwireless.com

That’s correct @AWCScott. This is a transaction because it will create a PartTran and you can’t go back into time and change a PartTran record. If you need to make a correction, you would add a new transaction to get you there.

Mark W.

Historical purposes. When you add the new cost record, the amounts are effective from the TransDate forward, which you can include in the DMT also.

So you’re saying that I can enter a transdate, say July 1 and run them as an add new and they won’t go into effect until then and won’t duplicate or effect what is there now?

Scott Thompson

IT Manager/Webmaster

Advanced Wireless Communications

20809 Kensington Blvd | Lakeville, MN 55044-8353 |
sthompson@advancedwireless.com | Directions & Map

Phone: (952) 469-5400 Ext 199 | Toll Free: (800) 475-5852 | Direct: (952) 469-0199 | Skype: sthompson@advancedwireless.com

No, not quite. It will take effect immediately. As @Mark_Wonsil said, if you made a mistake on a particular import you could just run it again and correct the values. Mark was pointing out that because it’s an adjustment, it will write a record to PartTran table for each item you’ve adjusted. This will log who/when/previous values etc.

Cost Adjustment is also one of the few screens that allows a paste-insert. You can update costs using the List view. Just make sure to align the columns you want to update with your spreadsheet, like below.
Part Description Costing Method Date Lbr Unit Cost Bur Unit Cost Reason Code
001_PPCons 001_PPCons A 6/26/2018 40 10 IVCMV