UpdateExt: Import mode?

While working in Service Connect yesterday I came across a new (to me) checkbox which had me scrambling for the documentation:


Does anyone have any further details / knowledge on ‘import mode’ for UpdateExt ?

Searching through the various documentation / update guides / release notes really hasn’t turned up very much. I can see this was added to Service Connect in the 10.2.100 release but beyond I’ve not managed to track down any details:


Does anyone know what this actually controls and how significant any gains are?

Depending on the Business Object, there may be a fair amount of processing done after the Update to prepare the data for return to the Client Caller and in many integrations, that data is unnecessary. When that option is selected, the system will not run the code to prepare the return data which may provide some nice performance gains. I believe that any return data that is picked up by the base processing is also dropped at the Server and never sent over the wire - further adding to performance gains.

If your integration / usage of the UpdateExt call does not need the data returned from the UpdateExt call, test out this option.

In very rare cases, the code that runs to prepare the return data may actually perform database updates so you need to pilot the usage but for the larger business objects this option can provide a nice performance boost for your SC workflow.

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Is it possible to do the same with UpdateExt as a method call in BPM or uBAQ code?

I actually posed that question last week and the initial response was “it should work but will require some code”. The question we have on this is that when you are on the Server executing BPM you have already come through the Server boundary and BPM may not provide the access to the setting.

I will post when I get a definitive answer.

Thanks a lot. I’ve already checked that the method signature doesn’t show anything, but it could be extremely useful if it was possible.

Cheers Rich, that’s exactly what I was looking for.

I did try this against 1 BO (PriceLst) hoping that it would prevent some of the additional data being returned from being sent back (in this case every PriceLstGroups / PriceLstParts entry on the PriceLst) but I wasn’t that lucky!

I’ll experiment a little further with this in other areas: I suspect the more complex BOs like SalesOrder or Invoice are where the real gains would be found.

PriceLst update via UpdateExt - near and dear to my heart.

I will be going over how to do that so you get the performance that you expect in the “Customization to the Max - Server” short session at Insights 2019. It is actually surprisingly simple…

I believe there is still time to sign-up for Insights 2019 - hope to see you there.

Oh how I wish I could attend, but in the middle of an upgrade from 9.05 to 10.2, and being based in the UK, it’s just not realistic.

I’ve had various support tickets open on the issue going back many years, including a fresh one against 10.2.300: what level of bribery is required to extract the secrets from you? :smiley:

I have a horribly crude ‘wrapper’ I use in Service Connect workflows (presents an UpdateExt like interface, but just calls GetRows & Update), I’ve used overblown customisations with embedded grids as updatable dashboards just will not behave, etc: endless pain over the years!