Updateable BAQ field won't update in dashboard

I have a field in a newly created dashboard that is updateable in the BAQ but does not update in the dashboard (won’t let characters be typed). In Dashboard Grid Properties, the query is checked as Updateable on the Updatability tab and the field is checked for Prompt on the General tab.

Any suggestions for what else to check?


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The dashboard is deployed? Because if you are simply still creating it, the fields aren’t editable except in the test mode or if deployed to a menu item.

I’m speaking to classic dashboards, by the way. If the process is different in Kinetic, then I’m of even less help.

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Updateable Dashboards only work as Dashboard Assembly. So in Menu Maintenance select Dashboard Assembly (not Dashboard Runtime).


I double-checked to make sure I had deployed the dashboard and it was set as Dashboard Assembly in Menu Maintenance (it was). Looks like I had missed checking the Publish View in Dashboard Grid Properties. Checked that box, re-deployed, re-setup in Menu Maintenance and now it works.