Updateable BAQ error

I created a very simple updateable BAQ to allow Planning to update MFG Lead Time in a dashboard.

My BAQ appears to be working and when I check the Part it is getting updated but I notices this message. It updated the wrong field…


I created the Dashboard and the Dashboard will not allow me to update this with same error. I have other updateable dashboard for the Part Plant so not sure why this one is not working.

Do I need to have all M parts set to Manual first?

Does your PartPlant table have mixed case for the site field (MfgSys vs Mfgsys vs mfgsys) ?

It could be thinking that you’re trying to change it from MfgSys to Mfgsys

Also, you don’t have the plant/site field set as updateble, do you?

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No I don’t have the site field set as updateable.

And yes we have a mixed of MfgSys and Mfgsys…I guess I need to update everything to one?

I’m not sure if that’s really the problem. It just jumped out at me.

Which table are you pulling the Site from in the BAQ? Maybe try puling it from the table you plan to update.

I don’t have it in my BAQ. Do I need too? If i were to add it I would pull it from the PartPlant which what I am trying to update.

Maybe we’re talking two different things… I was referring to


And yes, pull it from the table that you’re trying to update. That way, it doesn’t see a difference in that fields value.

Edit, it might still be an issue as I assume that field is used to link tables.

ok face palm…I don’t normally add site be since we are adding a new site I included it. I am updating my Training to have all the same Site name. So I will try it then…if not I will remove it from BAQ and just pull from current site.

You might want the BAQ to check the site it (or the dashboard) was launched from. Because I think it might balk if you launch it from site A and then try to update a record belonging to site B. Kind of like how a Packer created in Site B can’t even be looked at from Site `A’

That is what I meant…I just didn’t know the correct terminology. So i will set the BAQ to pull from CurPlant. This way what ever plant they are in it will pull just that info.

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Well I tried to remove Plant from my existing BAQ and got errors…So I started over and still getting errors. Sometimes I don’t like updatable BAQs…LOL

I don’t do them enough to really recall all the details of using them properly.

And before you start thinking this is the issue, do a quick check to see if the Plant is in different cases of the tables selected (just include that field from all tables).

So I updated all my parts to MfgSys…do you think the need to be Mfgsys instead? I think this is my issue.

First off, I thought there was more than one table, and your uBAQ was retrieving the Plant field value from one table, but then trying to update a different table.

And while “MfgSys” doe equal “Mfgsys” when retrieving the data, updating a record with “Mfgsys” as its value, with a dataset containing “MfgSys”, may fail.

If it is just one table in the BAQ this shouldn’t be an issue at all.

I also have the Part table because I am pulling the Part Description. So I guess they need to be the same too. I wonder if they were different in each part.

I knew that the Plant field was case sensitive now and when importing data i always make sure it is all the same. Odd that when Epicor upgraded our DB during the conversion that they didn’t have it all be the same.

I don’t think the Part table has a Plant or Site field.

Can you share a pict of the uBAQ? Just to see what tables you’re using, and what relationships

The business object in the pic says PartPlantSearch. That seems odd to me. Maybe try a different one?

I remember there was a Data Fix we had to get for some folks who had case problems on some fields… especially customers whose data originally came over from Progress (which didn’t care about case) to SQL (which does). I’ve been looking back through various notes but haven’t found anything… I’ll keep looking.


I thought that was odd too but Part Plant was not an option. Do you think Part would work? But the fields are in Part Plant

Don’t forget that the “Part” in that list refers to a BO, not a table.


And when you select the BO, the related tables will show:

In my uBAQ, I needed to update the OrderDtl table, but had to select the SalesOrder BO. Then in the Tables to update, OrderDtl could be selected.