This is in Have created a UD boolean field (in the OrderDtl_UD table), then created an Updateable BAQ with the new boolean field as the target. Have set the Update to “Allow Multiple Row Update”. All looks good. BAQ is filtered to only pull in Open Lines…pull in a single line, click to update then save…get an error of “Severity: Exception, Table: OrderDtl, Field: , RowID: d2d98a54-65bf-49e8-a57d-4674e3b41613, Text: Update of Order Detail Line not allowed.”…however, the update actually does process the field update and the boolean UD field, and saves successfully.
Pull this BAQ into a dashboard and attempt to process…the update still processes successfully, but will only save one line change at a time.
Have tried this over the OrderRel_UD as well (will work for our purposes) with the same results.
If we add these fields directly on the Release or Line tabs in Order Entry and bind them accordingly, we can update them just fine, without having to deselect the “Firm Release” checkbox or anything else.
Any ideas on what’s throwing a wrench into this?