Update UD fields in a table that is normally Read Only (AKA a R/

Thanks for that info.  I was looking for a way to allow user to update the info - That's why I was trying to just add a UD field (not a field in a UD table).

I gave up on makinging something a user could use and just went brute force.

What I ended up doing was making a BPM that triggered off of something obscure(like UD20.Update, because we don't use table UD20). And then just put the code in like:

  Code to update select records in APInvHed table with static values 
  APInvHed.Date01 = < static date >
for each ApInvHed where APInvHed.company = 'MC' AND APInvHed.Groupid = 'jkap0412' AND APInvHed.FiscalYear = 2016 no-lock. 
  if available APInvHed then do: 
    Run lib\UpdateTableBuffer.p(input BUFFER ApInvHed:HANDLE,'Date01', DATE(4,12,2016)). 
    Message 'VendNum: ' + STRING(APInvHed.Vendornum) + ', Inv: ' + APInvHed.InvoiceNum.

The Message line is just to write it out to the log file for verification.

Typically when I need to update some UD fields (like: Date01, ShortChar01, etc...) in just a handful of records, I just make a temporary customization and throw a control that uses that UD field as the source.

However, some tables are pseudo-Read Only.  These are ones that hold transactions are only ever updated by internal processes. 

The table I need to update now is the APInvHed.  The AP Invoice Entry screen can only be used to edit AP Invoices that haven't been posted yet.  After they've been posted, the only way to view them is through the AP Invoice Tracker.  But a DateTimeEditor field (linked to APInvHed.Date01) I added to the tracker inherits the "Read Only" characteristics of the form.  How can I set that one field to be R/W so I can update some of the records?


Please post your version and DB type as any answers are highly dependent on that information.

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119
Visit our newly redesigned Website at www.dsmfg.com<http://www.dsmfg.com/>

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 11:59 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Update UD fields in a table that is normally Read Only (AKA a R/W field on a Tracker)

Typically when I need to update some UD fields (like: Date01, ShortChar01, etc...) in just a handful of records, I just make a temporary customization and throw a control that uses that UD field as the source.

However, some tables are pseudo-Read Only. These are ones that hold transactions are only ever updated by internal processes.

The table I need to update now is the APInvHed. The AP Invoice Entry screen can only be used to edit AP Invoices that haven't been posted yet. After they've been posted, the only way to view them is through the AP Invoice Tracker. But a DateTimeEditor field (linked to APInvHed.Date01) I added to the tracker inherits the "Read Only" characteristics of the form. How can I set that one field to be R/W so I can update some of the records?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Like Rob said we need more info...Â
but generally you can put the field on the screen via Customization and then invoke the back end code to update those fields.

Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Rob Bucek rbucek@... [vantage] <vantage@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  <p>Please post your version and DB type as any answers are highly dependent on that information.

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119
Visit our newly redesigned Website at www.dsmfg.com<http://www.dsmfg.com/>

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 11:59 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Update UD fields in a table that is normally Read Only (AKA a R/W field on a Tracker)

Typically when I need to update some UD fields (like: Date01, ShortChar01, etc...) in just a handful of records, I just make a temporary customization and throw a control that uses that UD field as the source.

However, some tables are pseudo-Read Only. These are ones that hold transactions are only ever updated by internal processes.

The table I need to update now is the APInvHed. The AP Invoice Entry screen can only be used to edit AP Invoices that haven't been posted yet. After they've been posted, the only way to view them is through the AP Invoice Tracker. But a DateTimeEditor field (linked to APInvHed.Date01) I added to the tracker inherits the "Read Only" characteristics of the form. How can I set that one field to be R/W so I can update some of the records?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

Ooops ....

V8.03.409C, OE 10.1B

Calvin, you’re only viable choice on your version and db is to use Squirrel and update the fields directly from the back end. Squirrel is like a SQL Server Management Studio window.


I only recommend that you update UD fields with this tool as it can screw things up easily and rapidly with the stroke of a key.


Assuming you’ve used something like SQL Server Mgmt Studio, then this will be easy to learn.


I wrote these instructions a while ago, but they should still be just fine for 8.03. Once you get it set up, you’ll use it daily like I do.Â



1. Download from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/squirrel-sql/files/1-stable/3.2.1/squirrel-sql-3.2.1-install.jar/download

2. Execute installation with all default options is OK.

3. Locate Squirrel Installation folder (C:\Program Files) and open the subfolder “Lib”

4. Open the \\<server>\epicor\oe101b\java folder and copy all “.jar” files into the “Lib” folder above. Do not overwrite any duplicate files.

    - Replace <server> above with your Vantage server’s name.

5. Open Squirrel

6. Click on “Drivers” and then the “+” button to Add a new driver.

     - Name = “OpenEdge”

     - Example URL = “jdbc:datadirect:openedge://<server>:10001;DatabaseName=mfgsys” (Replace <server> with your Vantage server; do NOT change the port here)

     - Website URL = leave blank

     - Class Name: “com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.OpenEdgeDriver”

7. Click OK to Save the Driver info

8. Add an Alias: Click on the Alias tab in the left column and Click on the “+” button to Add a new Alias

     - Name = give it a name... ie, “Vantage TEST” or “Vantage LIVE”

     - Driver = Choose “OpenEdge” (should have a blue checkmark)

     - URL = Should be a copy of the “Example URL” in Step 6; verify. Still leave the Port alone.

     - User Name and Password should both equal “sysprogress”

     - Click the “Auto Login” checkbox

     - Click on “Properties” button

     - On the Schemas tab, for best performance, select “Load all and cache all schemas”

     - Click on Driver Properties tab and check the “Use Driver Properties” box

     - Click the “Specify” checkbox for each of the following and fill in the appropriate value:

         - ServerName = your Vantage Server

         - User = sysprogress

         - password = sysprogress

         - PortNumber = your ODBC port (8350 for Live, 8370 for Test, 8380 for Pilot)






From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 12:59 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Update UD fields in a table that is normally Read Only (AKA a R/W field on a Tracker)



Typically when I need to update some UD fields (like: Date01, ShortChar01, etc...) in just a handful of records, I just make a temporary customization and throw a control that uses that UD field as the source.


However, some tables are pseudo-Read Only.  These are ones that hold transactions are only ever updated by internal processes. 


The table I need to update now is the APInvHed.  The AP Invoice Entry screen can only be used to edit AP Invoices that haven't been posted yet.  After they've been posted, the only way to view them is through the AP Invoice Tracker.  But a DateTimeEditor field (linked to APInvHed.Date01) I added to the tracker inherits the "Read Only" characteristics of the form.  How can I set that one field to be R/W so I can update some of the records?

