I’m trying something similar. I want to update a value in the UDCodes table to store a value so that every time I refresh a query, it cycles through the records and sorts the next one to the top. This allows me to run a dashboard with a refresh timing and have it cycle through different records to publish to the other panes.
If there’s an easier way to do this I’d love to know.
Anyway, I have configured the BPM as described, but no updates are happening:
I don’t completely follow what you are trying to do. (end goal)
You just want to have a record that increments by one every time? There is a Sequence BO made specifically for this.
I have figured out another way to cycle the sort order at the BAQ level, but ultimately I would like to figure out how to use the Invoke BO Method.
I am on SaaS so I don’t have access to code and have wanted to use this a few times for other purposes.
Instead of “ignoring” the errorsOccured and the BOUpdErrorTableSet in your UpdateExt, create two new bindings, and then display the values in a message after the call… you will then be able to see the error message in the error tableset, and the answer may be obvious.