Update from PartSvc

Is there any known issues with the REST partSvc? Im unable to get the methods update and updateExt to work. I am also unable to get oData patch /Parts(company,partnum) to work. I keep getting a null ref exception. I have tested both in 10.1.500.27 and Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


I just tested it on our instance (10.2.200) using Postman and it worked correctly. What does your request body look like?

PATCH URL: https://hostname/instance/api/v1/Erp.BO.PartSvc/Parts(Denmar,AMANAWASHER)

Request Body:

    "PartDescription": "Amana Washer 2"

Response Status: 204 No Content (OK)

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Set RowMod = “U” when using Update and UpdateExt, noticed sometimes it doesn’t update without this.

I figured it out. It was one of my BPMs that was preventing an update.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

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