We often have questions from customers in regards to their PO Number mentioned on our invoices. The Sales team regularly makes a small error at order entry level, so after shipment/invoicing there is no possibility to adjust that field and the Finance dept. needs to adjust the invoice outside Epicor via PDF adjustment.
Does anyone have a solution within Epicor?
Seems to me like the better option would be to validate or confirm the Cust. PO# in order entry rather than try to work backwards after everything is closed.
I agree with John here. Make the user enter data more accurately. If that is not feasible, then you could implement a step just before closing jobs to verify all the fields are correct. Wait until everything that could impact invoicing is done, then review everything holistically, before finally closing the job.
As far as changing PO numbers or anything after a job is closed and invoiced, I think you are out of luck. Epicor is built to maintain financial integrity, so it won’t let you change a lot of things after they have been invoiced.
Hi Mark,
One other idea is an updateable query. I ran a test and it allows change of customer PO number on the OrderHed data even after the order has been closed. It could be a limited / simple dashboard where user enters sales order number and it shows PO field and they update and save.
PS: also pestering order entry to enter customer PO exactly the way it appears and without any “PO”, periods, etc would go a long way too!
Hi Nancy,
Can you give little more detail how such a query is built?
Is building such a query a lot of work and will this work also when we install updates for instance?
I agree - pestering should be a solution but even 2000-01 in stead of 2000_01 sometimes results in problems. Or PO1235 in stead of 1235…so many examples ;-(
We used to update the PONum through DMT and Finance has to follow the template to track the changes
I’m with @jtownsend and @NateS… this is manifestly NOT a “small error at order entry” since it directly affects the ability to get paid.
Just changing the PO Number on the sales order probably isn’t enough… you may have to cancel the invoice and re-issue it as that PO number is drawn from the linked sales order at the time of invoice creation.
I might be wrong, but make sure you test this out.
Hi Mark,
Sure, see screenshots below. Of course, as Ernie mentioned, testing it through shipping and invoicing would be an exercise in due diligence! I suspect this edit will be ok to do, but good testing should never be skipped. Also, in a dashboard I’d put a filter in for the sales order number desired to modify, and consider limiting who is allowed to do/run it via menu permissions.
Thanks Nancy.
One more question - how do I find the Business AQ designer?
Hi Mark,
In my version 10.1.600 it’s under System Mgmt folder per screenshot. Also, to make the query you need privileges to do so under user account maintenance. I admit I feel a little worried that your first work with queries in Epicor will be an updateable one. I do recommend testing / learning in a test database. With great power comes great responsibility
Thanks, yes I’m in the Pilot database
It seems I cannot check the Updateable box.
Any idea why?
Update your user account option first… “BAQ Advanced User” = true?
Thanks, that’t it.
I did as suggested by Nancy.
Steps 1-3 all work fine but after Update the actual PONUM - when I check the sales order tracker - is not updated.
I forgot something?
TBD… after you tried to update
did you receive a confirmation in the query execution messages?
Also… not sure what version you are running but… here is a simple UBAQ for E10.1.6 if you want to try importing/testing.
UpdateOrderHedPO.baq (19.4 KB)
There was indeed another BPM that prevented the update.
It is now all working, perfect!
Is it possible to create a link to this particular BPM, so I don’t have to go via the BAQ designer?
If you create a dashboard for this BAQ and then “deploy” it
you can then add that dashboard “assembly” to your menu
BTW… if you have access to EpicWeb/EpicCare
then you should be able to find copies of the ICE manuals for Tools and Customization.
Will give you basic examples for doing all this “stuff” and more.
Thanks Bruce,
This: “If you create a dashboard for this BAQ and then “deploy” it
you can then add that dashboard “assembly” to your menu” is not clear.
How do I do that? Is that explained in one of the manuals?
Here is a related topic that includes some of the common manuals (version names 10.1.6 shown )
Before attempting any modification, I recommend users read the two guides on “Tools” and “Customization”. They should provide 80% + of what you’ll need.
Also, it can pay to learn how to use the search on this site too.
Almost any question new users will have… were already asked/answered in prior topic(s).
Hello, coming back to this question I wonder if it is possible to select the applicable order I want to adjust before the analyze/get list action. I now get all orders when I hit get list and need to scroll down looking for the one I need. I also have more than 10000 rows so don;t see some at all.
Hi Mark,
Did you end up making this a dashboard? If so, then you may add a dashboard query filter. This will provide a field for you to enter or search for desired sales order number. Alternately, you could add a parameter to the query for the sales order number and then when you refresh the dashboard or query, it’ll prompt for sales order.
If doing filter in dashboard, use a tracker view to apply the filter. Here’s guidance on it from Epicor help. Also, there are many examples in this help site. Look for filter tracker dashboard.
If you want to put the parameter directly on the query run, without dashboard filter field, also from Epicor help: