Update child dashboard after exiting a field?

We have modified the Available to Build Dashboard and attached it to the SO screen. It looks at the quantity on the SO line and shows you the first level components needed and what the balance would be if this line was assembled. If any lines are negative, that’s a sign to the entry person we don’t have enough 1st level components in stock to build.

The problem is for the dashboard (linked to a tab on SO) to update, after entering the SO Line quantity you have to hit save, and then refresh. Is there a way to add a BPM or script so that upon exiting the quantity ordered field, it will automatically save & refresh so the related dashboard will update?

One of my consultants thinks it relates to the following:

Looking for C# coding in Customization for “After Field Change” on Order Qty in Sales Order Entry need line saved automatically.

edvOrderDtl = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderDtl"]));

if(args.Column.ColumnName == "OrderQty" && (int)args.ProposedValue > 0)

What happens if you just call an oTrans.Refresh();

Thanks. Tried that. It does not save or create a new line. Is there a second command to save, that we can insert before this refresh?

oTrans.Update() will save the record.

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ok, thanks, we got it to work. much appreciated