Update a new field from another field


Still quite new to Epicor so please bear with me.

We have a custom field in the QuoteHed table named project_c that needs to have the exact same value as the QuoteNum, this is by design. In SQL i would write an update statement to populate the project_c field. How can i do the same in Epicor? There are about 2000 rows to update


I think support can make this update for you. However, not everyone wants to deal with support all the time, so…
If you have the DMT then this is pretty trivial. You just setup your spreadsheet with the correct columns and headers, then upload it. If you do not have DMT, then you could do the same with a UBAQ. Create a new BAQ and pull in QuoteHed. Change it to a UBAQ, and add the key fields required for updating. Add your custom field to the update list. Test it out in Pilot, in a BAQ before creating a dashboard. Once you have a UBAQ that works, you just create a dashboard from it. Then you can update many records at once either manually or using paste/insert.
Good luck!

Thanks for the reply

This is only a one time thing as we have code in place to populate the field, its the legacy quotes that now require the ProjectID into project_c field. Is there a way to do this without needing to create a dashboard?

I see in the UBAQ there is an expression editor, can that be used to populate the project_c field with the ProjectID field from the other table?
