Updatable Dashboard - Users Right

From the ICE Tools UG:

Although you can access most BAQ functionality, to create and modify updatable BAQs you must have both Advanced BAQ and Advanced BPM rights.

This refers to just development, right?

Do users that will use the updatable dashboard, require any special rights or settings?

(I’d test this my self, but with SSO, I can’t just switch to a non-developer user :rage: )

and no the users don’t need access only the developer

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No you just have to have the BAQ shared so they can see the results

In some instances with field security you may see some BAQs/Dashboards that
warn about trying to access fields that are not allowed but other than that
if you put the dashboard on a menu and they have rights to that folder then
they can use it

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

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