Is there a way to limit a field on an updateable dashboard, where users can only enter values that exist on the udcodes table?
Hi Steven,
You use a BPM directive on the updateable query to run a check on the entry before update…
Here’s where update bpms preprocess and post process may be input:
Is there a way to maybe it display or prefill the UDCodes so that the user doesn’t have to worry as much about mistyping the value?
Hi Steven,
Yes I think so. It’s been awhile since I’ve done it in the updatable. I reviewed one I did last year and I think you need to tell the updatable query what the field is by using the field attributes editor. Here’s an example where dropdown list of buyers is provided in the updatable dashboard. Not Kinetic db though, but it might work similarly.
This is also in classic and I am going to check if it is in 24.1, but on the update tab there is the advanced Column Editor at the bottom. it has the ability to reference User Codes
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