I created an updatable dashboard to update the PriceList Code and the Override Price List check box. I ran the test in the dashboard prior to deployment and appeared to work properly. Now that I have it setup menu the screen works as expected. The information allows to be changed, but not I get the following error.
I was trying to spin up my E9 environment, but it would not come up. I think there was a generate directive button on the lower right side of one of the update tabs that will make the updateable bpm.
I did hit the regenerate BPM Directive and re-deployed the dashboard with the same result.
My query is have the Price List Code and the Overide Price List check available to update.
I would appreciate your insight, this is my first updatable dashboard as you can tell from the problems I am having.
Now, I need to find out now, why it is not updating. I don’t get any errors when I hit the save button.
But then I hit refresh and change I made reverts back.
Select update for the below listed and the mandatory fields.
Below is my screen as it stands. I added the fields to my query, but I was not allowed to make any of the fields mandatory, other than the ones already selected.
Here are a couple of samples that work to update these fields. With UBAQs you need to have all of the primary keys in the baq. make sure to deploy your dashboard and run the assembly and not runtime from the menu.
A lot of time Epicor will save both the code and the description. If you rerun the query is the code still updated? If it is the new code then this will require some coding to validate the new code and change the description. Have you done any ABL coding?
No, am pretty new to Epicor 9 but definitely not afraid of coding, coming from a Unix environment. If you can point me the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Yes, If I run the query the information stays with the last update I did. Yet the record seems untouched, I feel the screen is just not refreshing since I did it from the table and the not the application screen.
@RC2020 This one has two oddities with it. One I can solve and the other I can’t, but it works without it.
When you open field help it shows the field as BreakListCode and you have to set it and PriceListCode
2, When a trace is run it shows BreakListCode AND PriceListCodeDesc being updated, but PriceListCodeDesc is not in the database and I can’t update it.
I am sure there are ways around that as it looks like it is in the dataset and probably could be changed that way, but my ABL skills never go there. The good news it that if you set both codes as I did the the new advanced UBAQ attached it changes the display when you refresh the order.
This UBAQ uses advanced only updating with ABL coding, so you do not regenerate the bpm code, just edit the ABL validate it, save and get list to test. You will need to add SysRowID to your baq as that is what is needed to find the row you want to update.