Updatable Dashboard Custom Field Link Between Job & Order

Greetings! I’m here looking for some general guidance or possibility and not so much a step-by-step how-to (although that would be nice too). Here’s my inquiry:

We have an updatable dashboard consisting of two separate updatable BAQ’s; one BAQ shows all open sales order information and the other BAQ shows all open job information. The main updatable field for these is a comment box that links back to the actual sales order entry and job entry screens. Our production teams can enter notes in the dashboard in either the sales order or job section and once saved this information is available to see by all users. Pretty typical, right?

Our plight is that there doesn’t seem to be a default way to link the two comment boxes together as a single field; in other words the sales order screen comment box is not available to be placed in the job entry screen and be bound together (and vice versa). This is undesireable because the users who frequent the sales order dashboard aren’t seeing the notes entered by those who frequent the job dashboard.

From reading the help manual and various topics online, it seems that we can create a user-defined table that could consist of a single comment field that could be placed on both order entry and job entry screens and then on each independant BAQ. From there, all order comments would mirror to the job comment screen and vice versa.

Does this sound correct, or is there something else we should be aiming for?

Sounds about right.

quote=“DaShMa, post:1, topic:61198”]
or is there something else
If you can continue to live with the separate comment fields for Order and Job that you already have, you might be able to display separate read only comments on your UBAQs/Forms.
To show the Job comment on an Order Form/UBAQ - link to JobProd then to the Job table where the job comment resides
To show the Order comment on a Job Form/UBAQ - again, link to JobProd then to the Order table where the order comment resides