Updatable Dashboard Closing Job Operations

We have updatable dashboards that displays all open job operations for our scheduling department that contains 3 updatable fields. These fields are for JobOper.CommentText, JobOper.SchedComments, and JobOper.Number01 which is a custom field carried over from Vantage 8 used to give the operations a priority number.

We have been using these dashboards for almost 2 years without issue, but recently updating the JobOper.Number01 field through the dashboard is occasionally closing the operation associated with it. It originally started out with doing this on select jobs repeatedly (each time the field was changed on that job while others were unaffected). Now one dashboard is doing it on every job that is updated. The BAQs and dashboards are essentially the same with the exception of how the BAQ is displaying related materials (summaried for assembly jobs vs material details for manufactured/single material jobs). The update method and updatable fields are setup identically.

Any ideas on what could be causing this now or what should be changed in the setup to eliminate this? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. Including screenshots below of some of the configuration screens from the dashboard & BAQ.

Screenshot 2023-04-13 111945